This Translation Registry contains on-line archive of the translations (from English into the official languages of BiH) of EU legislation (acquis communautaire) and other documents related to European Integrations. When creating this registry, the idea was to have all translations of EU legislation and relevant acts stored in one place. This shall ensure better insight into different parts of the acquis already translated and enable consistent use of terminology in the forthcoming process of preparation of the national version of acquis communautaire in BiH. The translations that are already in the registry were performed by the Translation Unit of the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The registry is being regularly updated with new translations and their quality improved throughout different stages of revision.

Searching through the registry can be performed by inserting the title of the document, CELEX number (if any) or simply by searching throughout the whole text. By selecting at least one of the required search criteria the result of the search shows the title of the original document in English and its translation into one of the official languages of BiH. Data about translator, linguistic, expert and legal reviser (depending on what level of revision a document has gone through) as well as about dates of translation, its CELEX number (if any) are also given. By clicking a title of document in a desired language, the whole text of the document opens up. Target language of the translated act remains solely the personal choice of a translator. It is only after the final revision stage (lektura) of the translation process, that a translated act is available in all three official languages in BiH.

Since the long-term perspective of all participants in the legal acts translation process is to ensure accessible translations of acquis communautaire, we certainly hope that these translations will enable all interested parties/users to interpret and apply EU law in BiH. The same can be applied on translators and civil servants employed in BiH institutions who will use these translations and thus achieve better quality and consistency in their translations.

We kindly ask our users to bear in mind that all translations in the registry are to be used for information purposes only and can not be considered as legally binding documents.

Please send all your comments and suggestions related to this registry and its content to the Translation Unit of DEI, at the following e-mail addresses:

Biljana Ivanović:
Srđan Mitrović:
Mirjana Denda: